function generateCode(userType) { const randomNumber = Math.floor(1000 + Math.random() * 9000); switch(userType) { case 'New Member': return NM${randomNumber}; case 'Accommodations Providers Staff': return AP${randomNumber}; case 'Taxi & Car-Share Service Providers': return TC${randomNumber}; case 'Travel Agents': return TA${randomNumber}; case 'Holland & Team Members': return HB${randomNumber}; default: return XX${randomNumber};     } }
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The Performing Arts & Sports

Are you ready to escape your world for a while with an exciting live-arts and cultural or sporting event?

Then check out our listing of live games such as; Basketball or Soccer. If, on the other hand you are a Football fan, there are plenty of games throughout the season from our local CFL team.  Or, how about an Equestrian event to fill your summer evening? For history buffs, you will know that although Hockey is often given as the answer, Canada’s actual national sport is Lacrosse! So, be sure to keep yourself up to date on the games of our local NLL team.

On the other hand, if your weakness is a live-arts or cultural event, then be sure to check out our list of Live Dance or Live Music offers while you’re here. Grab a companion and check out some Live Theatre or Live Vocals such as the opera.

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